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Results For Category: "WOD"


Run 400m 24″ barrier jumpx40 Run 800m 80 8″ Switch steps Run 400m Hand Release clapping pushupsx40


5 Rounds for time of: Bodyweight Front Squatx10 Bodyweight Barbell Rowx10 10 1/2 Burpee-Burpee


Tabatta These Movements: Wallball Single Unders Situps Row- Meters Jump and Touch-20″ past Max reach


100m Farmer’s Walk- 1,1,1,1,1 Then Run 400m For Time

And now, for something compeletly different…

20 Rep Deadlift Max Reps HSPU Max Time Bar Hang Max 20″ Box Jumps in 5 minutes Scoring would be the same as the Tactical…

Big Announcement…

We are happy to announce that CrossFit Renaissance will be moving to a bigger, better facility. Stay tuned for details. A teaser: Can you say…


Power Snatch- 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Then Complete 5 rounds, each for time of: 3 Power Snatches 3 Snatch Pulls 3 Power Snatches *Use 60%-70%& of last set…

CFR Night Out- Friday October 14th. 7pm.

CFR Night Out- Friday October 14th. 7pm. Location TBD. Be There.


“Cindy” 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats As many rounds as possible in 20 min Or “Mary” 5 Handstand push-ups 10 1-legged squats 15 Pull-ups…

Extra Help Tonight

Tim will be available between 8-9 tonight to give extra help on any movements you may want to improve. Feel free to come back or…