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Member Spotlight – Meet Jared!

Our member spotlight this week is on Jared who just celebrated 5 years at CrossFit Renaissance. He started out with the “New You” challenge after seeing the ad on Facebook.   “The idea was to build generally better habits in fitness, nutrition, and overall health. I also wanted to shed some weight and lean out while gaining strength, so that seemed to be the perfect fit” he said when we asked him WHY he was interested in joining the gym.


When we asked him what was holding him back from achieving his goals before joining our gym he said, “a total lack of self-motivation has always been my downfall with any training regimen. External motivation, planning and accountability is something that I truly need to stick with a routine. CFR offers that. Structured group classes allow me to show up and workout without having to think about anything.”

Accountability + Structure.working copy 1

We take the guesswork out of your workouts. Show up, and leave the rest to us. Our program is constantly varied, and our coaches explain the movements and goals for the day at every class.

CrossFit Renaissance is not like any other gym. We are invested in our members. If we don’t see you, expect a call from us. Our business was built on delivering results for our clients.

We love having Jared in the CFR community. He displays an incredible drive to improve – both on his performance in our group CrossFit classes and on his nutrition with our Renaissance Nutrition program. He gives 110% every time he walks through the door. But for as seriously as he takes the work, he doesn’t take himself too seriously – his laugh will fill the room and he is always game for our Open antics.

We asked Jared to tell us a little bit more about his experience with CrossFit Renaissance.

CFR: Where are you now?

I would say I’m in a much more knowledgeable place. I’m conscious about what I eat, how often I work out, and how those things will affect me. My original goal was definitely accomplished, but CFR has allowed me to set new goals for myself that are attainable and measurable, but most importantly, ongoing.


CFR:  What were the expected/unexpected outcomes from your training with us?

In the first year I expected to get stronger, lose some body fat and maybe gain some muscle. All of that happened, but what I didn’t expect was to learn so much about overall wellness. Through nutrition coaching and training, I learned how to really focus on the healthiest balances in life without having to eliminate anything I enjoy. I also really appreciate some of the skill work and Olympic lifting. I never thought I’d have fun practicing technique and watching the weights increase on the ends of the bar over time with proper form and training.

CFR:   What has been your favorite moment at the gym?

Over the past 5 years there have been many memorable moments related to training; PRs, skill work achievements, CF Open workouts, but the best memories of CFR come from the “off time”. The BBQs, holiday parties, and after WOD hangouts are the moments I enjoy the most.

CFR:  What excites you about the future?

What excites me most is knowing that just because I’m getting older, doesn’t mean I have to slow down or give up on my fitness. I don’t have to be the dad with the massive beer belly who gets winded walking up the stairs. I look forward to staying healthy and active.

CFR:      What would you tell someone who is considering joining our gym?

 Do it. Walking through the door is sometimes the hardest part, but after that, it’s all downhill.

CFR:      And what advice would you give to someone who is just starting with us?

Don’t give up. Don’t overdo it. Pace yourself and scale yourself to a level that you’re comfortable with. The only competition is you, and every day you show up and are able to outperform yourself from the previous day is a win.

If you want to start building generally better habits that will improve your fitness, nutrition, and overall health, book a No Sweat Intro TODAY!  Click here.


Happy Anniversary Jared!