Information Overload

The internet is amazing.  So much info at our fingertips.  It’s easy, it’s accessible and it is free.  But if you are anything like me, sometimes it is too much.

I get analysis paralysis.  It happens when I am shopping online, searching for vacations, and sifting through the vast sea of information about nutrition.  Paleo, Keto, Low Fat, Low Carb, South Beach, Zone, Weight Watchers, cleanses, fasting.  The options are endless, and the reviews are mixed.   How do we make the right choice?

I had a conversation with someone recently who was taking a good look at her nutrition and making some awesome changes.  But information kept coming to her about what she should be doing, and it was getting overwhelming.  It made her doubt her very sensible plan.

First, if you are taking an honest look at the food you are putting in your body, and paying attention to how the food makes you feel – Bravo!   It is THE right step.   Looking at your Nutrition will get you farther than anything else to move the needle toward health.

Next, apply some of what you learned in your training at the gym – Consistency is Key!  You are dedicated to your workouts, but you have to keep coming back to reach your goals.  Nutrition is no different.  Extreme plans that promise quick results are red flags.  How long can you keep it up?  Make small changes that you can keep up with.  Make it a habit and be patient.

If you are interested to learn how we guide our nutrition clients, go to our website and search Nutrition.  Pages of free content are there at your fingertips!  Too overwhelming?  Maybe our nutrition program is right for you- an individualized plan, and a coach to evaluate what is working and encourage you along the way.

What ever you decide, we are rooting for you!
Coach at CrossFit Renaissance

Jessica Thomas

Renaissance Youth/Nutriton