IMG 9980 scaled 1

Member Story: Fabiana Rafael

Fabiana Rafael

What brought you to CrossFit Renaissance? 
I stopped working out for two years, and with that put on the weight. I was 130 lbs and reached 170 lbs. I not only gained weight but also started having acid reflux. Then, a red light popped on in my head… I had to change! That’s when I decided to text Bill and make an appointment.  I was so disappointed in myself.
What was your first impression? Has it changed? 
My first impression was great. Couldn’t be better, friendly staff, positive and everyone gives so much confidence. Nothing has changed, it  just gets better.
What are you currently working on? 
My endurance on the work outs and more recently, I started training for a Bodybuilding Competition.  I have not yet set a solid end date, but I am working towards that!
What’s the toughest part of CrossFit?
The toughest part is going beyond my own limits!
What do you love the most about CFR? 
When I get the support to keep going and finish the workouts from the trainers and other members.
That’s really awesome!
IMG 9980