The BIG Debate

Nutrition. The word is defined differently by the hundreds of pop-up nutrition companies out there. We have all seen the different diets and products promising you the world in weight loss and performance, but what do you really need to know?

Can you really have your cake and eat it to? Can you have it everyday?

The term “macros” has become increasingly popular over the past couple years. People are finding a way to achieve weight loss while still keeping their favorite foods in their regular routine. The thought process is that as long as you “hit your macros” for the day, you can still eat whatever you want.

The philosophy behind our Nutrition Program, has been disease prevention from Day 1. We focus on quality first, then quantity. Yes, you need both pieces to achieve optimal health and weight loss goals, but you need to be eating the right things first.

I’ve been asked by people if we “set macros” for clients. Yes, we give them recommended grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats for the day, but our program does more than that. How we feel after eating a donut as opposed to vegetables and lean meats is drastically different even if they both fit in your macros.

At CrossFit Renaissance, we start by looking at a typical day for the client. What are you doing now? We need to find out what realistic steps need to happen for you to make a lifestyle change. Too much change all at once is overwhelming and tough to stick with long term.

Then, we focus on a phased approach. We start with cutting out most of the processed, high-sugar junk and increase consumption of non-starchy vegetables, lean meats and plant based sources of fat.

The next step is dialing in portions and the quantities of food. Yes, weight loss is a numbers game. You must consume less calories than you burn per day. The negative energy balance promotes weight loss.

There are many different ways to lose weight, some more extreme than others. I challenge you to look at the quality of foods you are putting in your body.

Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, recently said “Each gym is a lifeboat in the tsunami of chronic disease.”

I promise that you aren’t fighting chronic disease while eating donuts and cookies even if they fit in your macros. Am I saying you can never have a donut? No of course not! The key is moderation.

Final verdict: Quality > Quantity