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The Results Are In……for the 2022 Intramural CrossFit Open!

This year’s Intramural CrossFit Open was kinda special!   The mastermind, Dave Castro, behind the CrossFit Games “stepped down”, workouts were cut down by 1 (it used to be 4 weeks and once, even 5), but even more than that, this was the first Intramural Open we held since the world shut down in March 2020 AND the first one held on Cedar St!!!.    Not to mention, 50% of our participants were first timers!!!!!!   

Here is what happens during Open season:

“My first string of DUBs…!”
“I have never done 85# thrusters in a WOD before.”
“I RX’d every workout.”
“Chest to Bars were a first for me.”
“Helped me get out of my comfort zone and get to know other members.”
“Loved the camaraderie.  Themes and challenges were unexpected but Very fun.”
“I am more into this sport than I was before because of this experience.” 

Some Highlights from this year:

Meg is 6.5 months pregnant and this is her 2nd Open with a ‘bun in the oven’.  And if you had the pleasure of watching her get after a workout, you know that she makes you go WOW!!!!  

Mandi, Michelle & Marie jumped right in only one week into their CrossFit experience!  I think it took me a year before I agreed to this. 

Stacie repped Rak Money Riders in 2 other CrossFit gyms around the country!  Now that’s a determined person & a team player!   She couldn’t be at her home gym but she dam well made sure she got the workout done!  

Cathy did her first Open workout in Jamaica this year!  Ya mon!

These are just a few highlights from this year and why this has always been my favorite time of the year!
And now, our OVERALL WINNING TEAM is………………………………………

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We have 4 awards that will be presented to the following team players:

Spirit of the Open

Jenn Frame, Captain of the Winning Team

Spirit of the Open

Hanna Agnew 

Spirit of the Open
We have a tie for this last one, so…….. Denisse De Aza & Michelle Witalec   

Spirit of the Open is presented to 1 (or 2) team member/participant of each team who displayed the most team spirit, cheered on others, and stepped up to lead when needed.   Congratulations Ladies!

We are also recognizing our Judges!!!!   Anna, Meg & Justin stepped up to hang out with us every Friday night.
We appreciate their time and commitment to this community event!!!

Finally, a special prize is being awarded to:

Rakesh, Captain of the Rak Money Riders

Rak has never participated in the CrossFit Open before this year and had no idea what he was signing up for when he volunteered as Team Captain, without question.   That is something we need to recognize!  

Everyone showed up (whether here or somewhere else) and put in their best effort; judged others; cheered each other on AND did that in crazy costume!!!   Thank you for making this year’s Open fun & exciting for us all!

For those of us who like a more competitive type of event, CrossFit Total will take place this summer!  Stay Tuned.


**Trophy & Prizes will be awarded in the near future as they are being made!