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Transformation Tuesday

A little from the heart stuff today. Fitness changed my life. For real. I don’t talk about it like that, or even think about it like that much. I’ve been doing this stuff for so long, that I pretty much just look at it like an activity I found and like and that’s it, a hobby. Truth is though, weight training shaped my life! I was a chubby kid and got picked in a lot especially from the ages of 10-14. It’s tough being a non athletic, overweight kid, especially where I grew up. I found weight training at age 15 and well, even though I had no idea what I was doing, and wouldn’t for some time, I immediately felt better (like the first day!) This message goes out to everyone really, but mainly to those who are struggling with low self worth or low self esteem right now. Working out, training your body, is something you have complete control over! And it will, without a doubt make you feel GOOD! So if you’re struggling right now, or someone you love is, go, or help them to, work up a sweat or lift something heavy. You’ll feel better, I promise! If you need help getting moving, let me know.
I think the kids call it #transformationtuesday. Left is me at 14 and right is from my last bodybuilding season.

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-Bill Shiffler, CSCS
Owner/Operator CrossFit Renaissance
[email protected]
215 760 5795

1 thought on “Transformation Tuesday”

  1. Badass story and sentiment. My start is similar, taken me a lot longer to hit the weights though ;). Thanks for the share.