When Do You Start?

Have you been thinking about STARTING a new workout routine?  Have you and your friends been setting up start dates to run/walk together?  Go check out a local gym together?  Maybe even went as far as tossing all the processed food in your cabinets and refrigerator, stocking up on fresh produce and Free Range Meats?  But something came up and you put those intentions off for a later date or you tossed more than half of that fresh food!  Yep, we all have been there!  Even elite athletes started somewhere!  Those elite athletes will most likely tell you that they wish they had STARTED sooner!

So when do you start?  I know that you know what I am about to say to you now!  There is no better time to start living a healthier lifestyle than NOW!  You are worth the investment; the time, the money, the hard work, the sacrifices.   The benefits of living a healthier lifestyle outweigh the excuses we use by ten-fold!

I recently listened to a podcast and what resonated with me and caused me to write this email to you was:

“Action precedes motivation and inspiration.”  

In other words, psychology follows physiology; your mind follows your body.  So put those intentions into action NOW.  Shut those excuses down.  No time?  Make it.  Too expensive?  Make it work.  You are worth it!

What I find most helpful here at CrossFit Renaissance, is the amount of support from the community.  My coaches and the other members actually cared about my goals.  If I was MIA, they knew and called me out.  I need that still.  We all do!

So I am calling you out today!  Let me help you START NOW!   ????????????????. right here, right now

I’m routing for ya!

Your Friend,
CrossFit L1 Trainer
General Manager


Coach at CrossFit Renaissance