CrossFit Renaissance Working out

Jackie Metz

What brought you to CrossFit Renaissance?
Around 4 years ago, my sister Denise, her husband Tom and I were watching YouTube videos of CrossFit workouts. They were sure that CrossFit was meant for me. A year later I found a Groupon for CFR and decided to give it a try.

What was your first impression?
My first impression was not favorable. I actually hated the first month. Coach Tim scared me and made it seem like CrossFit was not for me. I survived 4 years of Division 1 Field Hockey and didn’t think I would survive CrossFit.

Has that changed?
After a few sessions, my competitive side kicked in. I have never been much of a quitter and I wanted to prove to the Coaches and myself that I could do it. I’m still at it 3 years later!

What are you currently working on?
The list is pretty long: double unders, hand stand push-ups, consistent pull-ups and T2B (Toes-to-Bar), rope climbs, snatch, bench press. I would love to do a muscle-up. The videos make it look so easy!

What is the toughest part of CrossFit for you?
Monday’s workout will be awesome and I feel proud of my accomplishments. Tuesday’s workout will put me to shame. I guess you could say that CrossFit is a humbling experience. There’s always something to work on. You can always get better at any of the movements. That is also a great motivating factor. I might be dissatisfied with a workout one day, but I will come back tomorrow to try to be better.

What is your favorite memory at CrossFit Renaissance?
I don’t think I can narrow it down to one memory. It is such a combination of factors, experiences and people. One reason I have stayed with CFR is the family atmosphere and the camaraderie of our members. Everyone supports your efforts and I have built some pretty amazing friendships from this place (even though everyone is a bit weird). I do remember a fun Navy Seals Workout with Bill, Ben and Siri 2 years ago–1000 push-ups and 1000 squats for time!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Hard to believe, but the beginning of June marked my 3 year anniversary.

What kind of results have you seen? Both physical and mental.
Physically–I was always built athletically, but I have lost a few pounds and have gained muscle definition. Mentally–this might sound a little cliche but I will say it anyway. I started CrossFit after a bad breakup and a bit of depression. CrossFit helped me wake up. I just turned 40 this Spring and I feel stronger and fitter than I ever have!