What brought you to CrossFit Renaissance?
In high school, I played a various amount of sports from cheerleading, softball, field hockey and dance. Not only was I part of my high school teams, but I also played recreational softball and cheerleading. When I got to college, I was only able to do cheerleading and dance because of my major and after college, I only danced. My life was not as active as I would have liked it to be. I’ve tried the gym and working out at home, doing videos many times but only got bored and never could keep the drive to continue to workout. So when I started dating my boyfriend 2 years ago, I learned that his best friend, brother, and brother’s girlfriend all do CrossFit. At first, I was afraid because I didn’t know if I would even be able to perform the workouts I had researched. I was searching different places to go and came across CFR. I finally got the courage to call and talked to Bill. I told him I was nervous and he said, “There are many different kinds of people that belong to this gym. The age range is all over, we even have a few 70-year-olds working out. You do what you can. Come in and try it!” After that I never looked back.
What was your first impression?
At first I was terrified, and sometimes I still am! I just try to do the best I can and push myself. It helps having the other members there cheering you on, even when you are on the verge of tears (which I was with quite a few workouts). It also helps having amazing coaches :). They know my limits and help me push myself past what I thought my limit was. I feel so happy when I accomplish something I never thought I would be able to do (such as, a rope climb) and to see others do the same things as well.
Has that changed?
My impression has changed. I feel more confident when I look at the wods. I am actually eager to go to the gym and get PRs (personal records)!
What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on muscle-ups!! I am so close, but not quite there yet. But I will get it! I am also working on my deadlift. I cannot seem to get past 215 pounds!
What is the toughest part of CrossFit for you?
Running!!! I hate running. I don’t mind little sprints, but long-distance running and I are enemies! However, when I see a workout with running in it, I do not get discouraged. I hope one day I will become a decent runner and be able to go out and run like a normal person and not a slow turtle. One day !!
What is your favorite memory at CrossFit Renaissance?
There are so many, I cannot choose just one! Especially when I make a new one every time I walk in there. However, my favorite part is the people! I love them all. Everyone is so great and supporting. It’s like my workout family. Haha.
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I have been doing CrossFit since April 2014. So, around a year and a half.
What kind of results have you seen? Both physical and mental.
Physically, I am a lot stronger than I ever thought I could be. The amount of weight I lift still surprises me. I have seen great results! I have always had an athletic build, but now I have muscles that I never thought I would have. I hope to continue to become more lean. Eating healthy is still sometimes a battle because I just love my sweets! Mentally, I feel like I am stronger, too. I think most of the time you have to walk in there and say, “Okay, I am going to get this number tonight or aim for this time.” Sometimes, the result isn’t what you set your goal to be, but there is always next time! I am there to workout and I never leave unsatisfied!