What brought you to CrossFit Renaissance?
A Groupon brought me in the door. I had no idea what CrossFit was. I had not even Googled it! I was in the habit of trying new Groupon exercise classes.
What was your first impression?
Tim, the coach who led the initial intro class, looked at us all and said “Only one of you will stick around”. My thought at that moment was that it was a challenge and I was going to be “the one”.
Has that changed?
I love CrossFit! I have a hard time imagining life without it. I belong to other gyms, but CrossFit has my love!
What are you currently working on?
Pull-ups (my nemesis), getting consistency with my double-unders, and I am starting to work on hand-stand push-ups.
What is the toughest part of CrossFit for you?
I have always been an athlete and rarely do things stump me. Some of the skills I’m working on are not coming easily. I get frustrated but there is no option of giving up.
What is your favorite memory at CrossFit Renaissance?
I have met so many great people at CFR. I think walking into the gym and knowing you will be around people you like while pushing yourself to the limit is essential! The day I got my first pull up was pretty awesome too.
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Almost three years.
What kind of results have you seen? Both physical and mental.
I am in great physical shape, although I always want to be better- stronger and faster. I am more confident and can approach each WOD with a sense that I can do it. Outside the gym, I talk less about CrossFit but am constantly engaging people around their workouts, diet, and health.