Front Box Squats, Kettlebell Swings, Turkish Get Ups, Prowler Push


Every 1 min for 8 mins: Box Front Squat
3 Box Front Squats, At 60-65% of 1RM front squat from 12/17.
Parallel box (15-16 inches).3-4 ”ramp-up” sets prior to starting the clock. Take a slightly wider stance than normal. If you don’t have a recent 1RM, go by feel and make sure to be fast off the box.

1 round, 5 mins per station, of:
Russian Kettlebell Swing, 70/53 lbs
Turkish Get-up, pick load,
Prowler Push (140.90) (:30on/:30off)
100 ft Single Arm Farmers Carry, 70/53 lbs, 100 ft

5:00 of Parasympathetic Breathing