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4th Annual Billy Bogan Day Fundraiser Workout

Today at 9:00 AM, CrossFit Renaissance will open it’s doors to the people of RiverWards for a fun workout!
We do this to honor the life of our dear friend, Bill Bogan, who lost his life a few years ago.  Billy lived
every day to the fullest, and gave 110% to every workout.  He stayed around cheering on his fellow CrossFitters
until the last one was done.
We are asking a $10 donation from each attendee.  All proceeds will go to Mission Teens Inc..  If you are unable
to make the event and wish to donate to this organization, that would be greatly appreciated.  Mission Teens is
a nationwide non-profit organization that provides much needed services to At-Risk Youth.  Billy donated much
of his time to this organization and we would like to follow his lead, in his memory.
Following the workout, you are all welcome to stay and grab a bite to eat, meet the staff of CFR, family of Billy,
as well as many CrossFit Renaissance athletes and their families!  BYOB!
Feel free to bring some food or snacks!

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