1.) Wide Stance Box Squats 8:00 EMOM x 3 reps, ever :60 @ 60% of 3RM
2a) Power Snatch 3×3
2b) Toes to Bar 3×3
2c) Wall balls 2×10
15 AMRAP of:
5 Power Snatch (115,75)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall balls (20,14)
1.) Wide Stance Box Squats 8:00 EMOM x 3 reps, ever :60 @ 60% of 3RM
2a) Power Snatch 3×3
2b) Toes to Bar 3×3
2c) Wall balls 2×10
15 AMRAP of:
5 Power Snatch (115,75)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall balls (20,14)