Are you a CFR member? Do you like food and beer?
Well then do I have just the thing for you.
This Thursday at 6:30pm we are going to meet up at the Green Rock Tavern in Fishtown for a few drinks and some good food. I am pretty sure the youngens can come too but I will double check on it.
We will also have a 4pm class on Thursday not the regular 6.
See you there suckas.
Hey Bill,
I gotta get in and WOD it up here soon. I’ve been home for a couple days w/ a funeral and I’m working at Iron Sport tonight. I’ve been really turned around with working out for a while. Wish I could make it tonight.
Lastly, be safe guys. I just lost a great friend to drunk driving. Get a ride if you need it.
Sorry to hear about your friend Matt. Let me know when you’re coming in.