CFR Fit it Forward

Friday’s WOD: Hand Release Push Ups, Squats, Running

Happy Valentine’s Day!
Stop by for a WOD & Chocolate Gathering after the 6PM class!  Cupid may make an appearance!!!

CONDITIONING (25:00 – 60:00)

For time with a 20/10# vest:
Hand Release Push-ups
Air Squats
*400 Meter Run after each completed round
– Goal: Start slow and progress from there – if no access to weighted vest complete without one. This will be repeated against next Friday.

30:00 Cap


Banded Y-T-A-T: 3 x 10 each. Rest 60s.
Parasympathetic Breathing x 15-20 breaths – 3 seconds inhale + hold 1 second + 3 second exhale