(aka “3 bars of death”)
Deadlift 1 1/2 BW
Bench BW
Clean 3/4 BW
10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 rep rounds for time
You may ask, why so many girls Bill? Because they’re fun damn it.
“Adversity causes some men to break, others to break records”
(aka “3 bars of death”)
Deadlift 1 1/2 BW
Bench BW
Clean 3/4 BW
10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 rep rounds for time
You may ask, why so many girls Bill? Because they’re fun damn it.
“Adversity causes some men to break, others to break records”
subbed 1 ring dip and 1 push-up for each bench press. My shoulder wouldn’t take the bench… What an ass beating! Damn!