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Partner WOD: Running, medball cleans, power snatches, push ups, burpee pull ups


Partner WOD/ 40:00 Time cap

For Time:

800 Meter Run

50 medball cleans (20,14)

50 Power Snatches (75,55)

800 Meter Run

50 Hand-Release Push Ups

50 Burpee Pull Ups

800 Meter Run

50 medball cleans (20,14)

50 Power Snatches (75,55)

800 Meter Run

50 Hand-Release Push Ups

50 Burpee Pull Ups


**One person works at a time; work split however desired

Bicep Finisher Work:

DB Zottoman Curls 2 x 20.  No Rest.

Banded Hammer Curls 2 x 20. Rest :60.

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