Push Press, Static Holds, Pull UPs, Shoulder to Overhead, Running


Speed Push Press:  6×3 @ 70%, every :60.

  • Use 1RM from 4/24; reset each rep

L Sit Hold: 3 x :15, Rest :30

Handstand Hold: 3 x :20, Rest :30


15:00 AMRAP of:

9 Pull Ups

12 Shoulder to Overhead (155,105)

400 meter run

Extra Credit:

1a) Double Band Bent-over Pushdown: 3 x 12-15. No rest.

1b) Barbell Curls w. shoulder raise: 3 x 10-12. No rest.

1c) Single Leg Pallof Press: 3 x 8 ea. Rest 60s.