Snatch, Nancy


Similarly to last Thursday, we’re taking one of the Olympic lifts out for a spin, going up to sub-maximal efforts. These lifts really need this kind of attention to improve. So today, I want you to focus on making each rep as perfect as you’re able to, even if that means going a little less than 85% your 1 rep max. Feel each portion of the movement and try to really understand it. The Snatch, in particular, takes time to master. It is hands down the most complicated movement done in the gym!

Now on to the conditioning WOD. This one can get NASTY, really quick if done correctly. Correctly today means you want to pick a weight/movement(s) that allow you to push very hard. This may mean lightening the weight and/or changing the squat to something other than the Overhead Squat (if you struggle with the OHS, for example). Each set of squats, should be a big one (at least 5+ reps every time, more is better) We want some high lactic acid buildup and then hit those runs hard! Spring has sprung and we are hitting the road with a vengeance!


Snatch skill work – working up to about 85% of your 1 rep max



5 rounds, for time, of:

Run 400 meters

15 Overhead Squats 95/65#