The week in review…

Continued progress on all fronts this week.  Our slogan here is “do it all”,  and that’s what we did this week.  Hard heavy lifting with Bill J and Mark both hitting 100kg front squats and everybody hitting PRs across the board.    A couple of long brutal couple of metcons too with some ballsy efforts on those for sure. 

Joyce is back to training with a vengance as well.  Starting her re-introduction to training ,as one should, with heavy squats.  I’m looking for some fast progress from you.  Stay with it!

We welcomed Papa Duff and Tim to the fold this week.  Time to get in on the fun guys. 

Just a reminder, our grand opening celebration is on Saturday from 10am-2pm.  Should be a good time. 

A quote from Aristotle that you might keep in mind:

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”
– Aristotle