Tuesday 07/21/09

Tuesday 07/21

Jerk- 1,1,1,1,1

Row 2k

3 thoughts on “Tuesday 07/21/09”

  1. Hey Bill! I got my 1st pull up AND chin up today!

    You called it!!!! You should have predicted the day and time too ha ha.

    Thanks again I really think doing jumping pull ups like you showed me helped.

  2. Nice Jenn!

    As far as the WOD goes, I turned this into Clean and Jerk (split) 177, 188, 199, 210, 216 (PR by 1), and 221 (F on Jerk, but PR’d on the clean)

    Next time 1 rep max cleans come up i’m decided; i’m getting at least 235

    Row in 7:06