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Turkish Get-up, Burpees, Knees-to-Elbows


Turkish Get-up – 1 rep max


10 rounds for time:

7 Burpees

7 Knees-to-elbows


First off is the turkish get up! This movement is full body and trains many areas of functional fitness. Plus it’s the only way the Turks’ ever get off the ground, so there’s that. Throughout the movement you’ll go through many planes. Be sure to stay tight and focus on each portion of the movement and don’t rush it.

A purely bodyweight conditioning workout that should have you really pushing your heart rate high and keeping the intensity up the whole time. You’re going to want to choose movements that will allow this high pace to happen, so if K2E tend to fall apart after a few reps, your coach will help you find a movement that will be consistent throughout the effort. Go hard and remember: smooth is slow and slow is fast!

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