Weighted Pushups- 3,3,3,3,3
2 Minutes Double Unders
2 minutes 50kg SDHP
2 minutes Double Unders
2 Minutes 50kg SDHP
Count lowest score only each round.
Weighted Pushups- 3,3,3,3,3
2 Minutes Double Unders
2 minutes 50kg SDHP
2 minutes Double Unders
2 Minutes 50kg SDHP
Count lowest score only each round.
Weighted pushups-50k,70k,75k(2),75k(1),70k(2)
Tabata scores:
Double unders-25,17
Kg Push-ups–15, 20, 20, 21.25, 22.5, 25×5
DUs–11, 9 (slow)
SDHP–6, 6 with 30 kg
Pushups- 50k, 75k, 90k, 100k, 100k
DUs- 25, 22
SDHP- 8 (undershot), 8
Yea we def undershot. Going 10 next time for sure.
The second round, I don’t know how much more I could have given, but definitely on the first.