Workout of the day e1566240622780

WOD: Back Squat, Sumo RDL Banded, Front Rack Carry, Reverse Goblet Lunges, Overhead Carry


1) Back Squat: Build to a heavy 5 in 7 sets. Rest 2:00
2) Sumo Stance RDLs w. bands pulling forward: 4 x 8. Rest 90s.


With a partner, not for time:
300 Meter Front Rack Carry (53, 35)
100 Reverse Goblet Lunges (70, 53)
300 Meter Overhead + Front Rack Carry (53, 35) (Two KBS)
*One person works – split evenly


– Active Straight Leg Raises x 60s each
– Parasympathetic Breathing x 15-20 breaths – 3 seconds inhale + hold 1 second + 3 second exhale