Workout of the day e1566240622780

WOD: Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Wallballs, Sit Ups, Power Snatch, Double Unders


4 Rounds with a partner:
60s Max SDHP (75, 55)
60s Max Wall balls (20, 14)
60s Max Abmat Sit-ups
60s Max Power Snatch (75, 55)
60s Max Double Unders
60s Rest

*One athlete completes a FULL 60 seconds while their partner rests then moving to the next 60s station. After the 60s rest partners will switch order so BOTH athletes go through each movement an even amount of times. Score = total reps per team.


10 Minutes of “easy” cardio – If wearing a HR monitor do NOT exceed 130 BPM – Conversational recovery work.