Workout of the day e1566240622780

WOD: Tuesday, 12/7/2021: Upper Body Strength


Common faults in the Push Press usually occur during the dip phase of the movement; leaning the chest forward or backward, as well as not keeping the heels flat. Imagine you’re sliding your back down a wall, and to drive the knees out at a 45 degree angle, instead of forward, should fix both of those faults.

Remember while rowing that we want to pull towards the hip, to avoid shrugging and working the traps unnecessarily.

1A).   DB Push Press

3 x 8-10. Rest 45s.
– 1-2 Warm-up sets

1B). Chest Supported DB Rows

3 x 8-10.  Rest 45s.
-1-2 Warm-up sets


Watch for the shoulder being pulled off-axis in the Single Arm Swing, a good cue for that is to actively pull the shoulder back and keep the scapula tight. Complete 10 on the weaker arm first, then switch sides. Nice loose wrists on the rope, move at a good pace and increase in the final minute.


10 Hand Release Push-ups
10 each Single Arm KBS (53/35)
30 Double Unders
– Goal: Hard effort. 5-7 rounds depending on your Push-up capacity.


Reverse Crunch.   3 sets of 12-15 reps.   Rest :60