0:00 – 9:00
3:00 of Snatch 115/75
Run 400m
9:00 – 18:00
3:00 of Clean & Jerk 115/75
Run 400m
18:00 – 27:00
3:00 of Deadlifts 115/75
Run 400m
27:00 – 36:00
3:00 of Half Burpees
Run 400m
*Scoring: Count your reps for each movement. Note the time it takes you for each run. Subtract that time from 6 minutes. Convert that time into seconds. Divide that number by 10. Add that number to your reps. Example would be 30 Snatches and 2 minutes to run the first 400 meters. 6:00 minus 2:00 is 4 minutes, or 240 seconds. Divide by 10 is 24. So add 30 + 24 = 54 for the first round.
I just got a fucking headache reading this.