CFR Fit it Forward

What is The Open?

The 2020 CrossFit Games season is upon us!

The Games season is broken up into stages. The first stage is the Open. This five-week, five-workout competition is held at CrossFit affiliates around the world. It’s always a lot of fun to see how you stack up against the CrossFit community.  The Open starts on 10/10th!

We love to get everyone involved, so CrossFit Renaissance holds an Intramural Open: a fun competition between all of our members, split into 3 teams (randomly). The scoring will be based on participation in the Open, the top 3 men and women Open scores, as well as team spirit! This is more about having fun and less about how good you are at CrossFit.

Team names will be picked by 3 team captains on Draft Night!  Draft Night is scheduled for Friday, 9/13, following the Friday night group class!  You must sign up to go into the Draft, but you do NOT have to be present at the Draft!  I can promise you that Draft Night is so much fun, so save the date!!!!


+1 Point – Attendance: every member of a team that completes an Open workout each week earns one point. Maximum one point per athlete per workout.  If you normally workout on Friday, you will be doing the assigned WOD anyway!

+1 Point – Top 3: every male AND female member who places among the Top 3 for each workout gets an extra point for their team.  To qualify for these points, you must officially register for the CrossFit Games Open at The CrossFit Games Website.

+5 Points (team) – Spirit: The team with the most noise, pride, and PRESENCE each week will receive 5 bonus points.

There will be weekly bonus challenges to give teams the opportunity to rack up those points and show your team pride!


You will be hearing more about The Open in the coming weeks!  This may be a great time to set up a goal setting session!!!

If you would like to participate in the Intramural Open, sign up today by emailing our Event Coordinator at [email protected]!!!!!

If you are not an active member of CrossFit Renaissance, what better time to join?!!!!