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member success story

Member Success Story – Meet Ryan!

Congratulations for CFR member @denikingsbball who celebrated 2 Years at CrossFit Renaissance yesterday.  Ryan posted about his journey on Instagram a year ago.  His personal story is one we can all be inspired by.  

18 months ago when I was forced to sell my home of almost 20 years I refused to let the adversity bring me down. I have faith that everything truly happens for a reason & that if you put good energy out in the world it will eventually find its way back. A few months after moving into my new home I noticed a gym, @crossfitrenaissance , was nearby. I decided to join & it has ultimately changed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined!! I’ve been getting it in lately & truly enjoy the process!! If I didn’t lose my house I’d probably still be in bad shape instead of the best shape of my life. At 48 years old that’s not an easy task!! But then again nothing really worth it is!! Extra shoutout to my guys @carter_rob.a & @turner16976 for talking trash & pushing me to be a better version of myself everyday!!

We still remember his On Ramp sessions – he was super skeptical that his body – particularly his knees – would withstand the workouts.  But he showed a willingness to listen to his coaches and be patient with his training.  And that winning combination gave him the ability to stay on track, and make progress over time.  

Since joining the gym, Ryan has lost 55 pounds.  He quit eating junk food (unless you count the outside of a soft pretzel) and started training regularly.  He started out with 3 CrossFit classes per week – and now you can find him at the gym 5 days a week.  

We asked Ryan about his journey over the past two years.  

What did you want coming in to CFR?

I wanted to find a gym where I could be coached up & pushed in an environment I felt comfortable in. I also wanted to continue my weight loss journey & gain strength @ the same time.  I’m happy to say that’s exactly what I found @ CFR. 

Where are you now?    (Did you achieve your original goal? moving towards it? have your goals changed? ETC)

I definitely achieved my goals, although I’d still like to lose more weight I’ve continued to gain strength the entire time. 

What were the expected/unexpected outcomes from your training with us?

I expected to be able to get in better shape & I did. Best shape of my adult life actually. I didn’t expect to make so many friends & have such i good time working out. That was a pleasant surprise. 

What was holding you back from achieving your goal before joining the gym?  And how did CFR help you overcome that?

The main thing holding me back was not having coaching or anyone to work out with. CFR provided both for me. 

What has been your favorite moment at the gym?

My favorite personal moment was finishing Murph this year. My favorite group moment was the 9/11 Art Museum run last year. 

What excites you about the future?

I’m excited every time I walk in there. Even on days that I’m exhausted or sore I get excited to keep pushing myself. 

If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself when you were first getting started with us? 

I would tell myself You’re gonna love it!!

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