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WOD: Wednesday, January 12, 2022: Active Recovery Day


Today’s recovery work should be executed with a focus on intentional movement, particularly on the Turkish Get-ups and Box Jumps. On the Box Jumps, a common mistake is lifting the heels off the ground during the dip phase of the movement. Keep your heels flat as you bend the knees and hips to generate force. Make sure to look at the weight while doing the TGUs, as this will help your balance.

EVERY 6:00 X 4 

Min 0-2: Max Cal Bike or Row
Min 2-4: Max Turkish Get-ups (53/35)
Min 4-6: Max Box Jumps w Step-down (24/20)

– Goal: Sustainable pace, nasal breathing throughout.


10:00 easy cardio Bike, Run, Light Sled Push, Farmer Carry
– Goal: Easy pace, nasal breathing throughout.

Accessory Work


3 x 8-10 each. Rest 60s.


– Sciatic Nerve Floss x 10 each
– Scorpion Stretch x 60s each

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