Nutrition Success Story

“But does it work?” 

I am proof that our program WORKS!  I have made my own transformation by following the same guidelines that I give to my Nutrition clients.

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Did I get in the best shape of my life by wishing for it?  Nope.

Did I commit most days to make healthier choices?  To fuel my body so it felt better?  Absolutely.

Did I put in hard work at the gym?  Challenging myself week after week?  You better believe it.

As you can see, my results didn’t happen overnight.  The photo on the left was taken the week I started CrossFit.  About a year and a half later I really started to evaluate my nutrition.  And that is when I began to see my body really change.  The results still surprise me every morning when I look in the mirror.

LIFE happens in 2 1/2 years – kids, holidays, parties, vacations, stresses.  But I never felt like I was on a diet.  I stayed focused on  improving my health, kept at it,  and established new habits.  Small changes over time lead to BIG RESULTS.  

We all have different goals.  Weight loss.  Strength.  Changing how we look.  Stress relief.  If you are ready to make a change, I encourage you to make the commitment to yourself.  Choose Renaissance Nutrition as your partner to help you transform your body and improve your health.

What will your AFTER picture look like?  
Coach at CrossFit Renaissance
Nutrition Coach, Renaissance Nutrition
Coach, CrossFit Renaissance