CrossFit Renaissance Working out

Rob Ramsey

What brought you to CrossFit Renaissance?
I went to high school with Bill, and I heard he opened his own gym in the neighborhood. My brother and sister joined and were going for a while. We would be at family functions and I all would hear about was “Crossfit, Crossfit, Crossfit” and they kept telling me to join. Bill and Joyce also came into my store where I work and would be “friendly stalkers”. They kept me telling me how much Brigid and Michael liked it and how I should join and how I wouldnt regret it. Finally in November 2013 I joined up and have been here ever since.

What was your first impression?
Intimidation. My first impression was everyone there would be “meatheads” and all muscle. In fact it was the total opposite. Everyone has been friendly and accommodating.
What are you currently working on?
Back Squats…I’ve never heard of or done a back squat ever before walking into the gym and now I love doing them. The first few weeks it seemed like all we did so its something that Ive progressed with since I joined.

What is the toughest part of CrossFit for you?
The toughest part for me is eating right outside of the gym. I work long days so it’s hard not to eat chips/soda.

What is your favorite memory at CrossFit Renaissance?
Actually I have two. The first one is just a few weeks ago when we doing the 15.5 WOD with the 27,21,15,9 reps with Thrusters and Calorie Rowing. I was 1/2 done and really was about to quit. Bill told me to “get my ass” back in there and I banged out the rest of the workout as quick as possible with everybody cheering for me. The second was a few weeks ago on my birthday I asked Coach Reese to change the music. The weird death like stare he gave me was priceless.

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
18 months since November 2013

What kind of results have you seen? Both physical and mental.
I’ve definitely lost some weight which was my initial goal of joining. I’ve also been exposed to weight lifting which I probably would never have done on my own. Also the mental “toughness” of getting through some of the WODS has really benefited me.