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WOD: Sumo Deadlift, Front Squat, Muscle Ups


1) Sumo Deadlift: Build to a tough set of 3 in 7 sets. Rest 2-3:00.
– Elevate Plates 2″ off of the floor (roughly 25# plates)
– This will be tested next Monday for a 1RM.
2a) Front Squat: Build to Metcon Weight.
2b) Bar Muscle-ups or Scaling Option: Chest to Bar, Banded Pull Ups, Ring Rows


For time:
30 Front Squats (155, 105)
30 Bar Muscle-ups
10:00 Time Cap


DB Single Leg RDL w. support: 3 x 10 ea. Rest 30s.
2:00 of Parasympathetic Breathing

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