Workout for Wednesday April 20, is a Hero WOD: Badger. This workout is named after Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq at the age of 27.
BADGER: Maybe a lesser “known” hero WOD, but man it’s one of the toughest ones. We’re going to want to stay moving today, which is usually the case on these longer conditioning WODs. What that means for you is you don’t want to be resting for more than 15-20 seconds for the entire effort. This may mean going a little lighter or modifying the number of reps. Try and ensure that you’re getting the intended stimulus from this one, even if that means doing it a little differently than you have in the past. For most, this should be a 30-45 minute effort today.
3 rounds, for time, of:
30 Cleans 95/65#
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters