Partner 12 days of Christmas WOD

In teams of 2 for time:

Perform the following

1 Deadlift 115/75#

2 Hang Power Cleans 115/75

3 Thrusters 115/75#

4 Toes to Bar

5 Pushups

6 Burpees

7 Deadlifts

8 Hang Power Cleans

9 Thrusters

10 Toes to bar

11 Pushups

12 Burpees


*Partner A holds plate overhead while partner B works. Switch When Plate comes down. Go through the reps like the Christmas song Days of Christmas


1 Deadlift

2 HPC, 1 Deadlift

3 Thrusters, 2 HPC, 1 Deadlift etc….

Courtesy of CrossFit Battleground