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Partner WOD




With a partner, for time:

Farmers Walk 125 meters with 2 plates 45/25#

75 Deadlifts 115/75#

75 Wall Balls 20/14#

75 Med Ball Sit-ups 20/14#

200 Double-unders

75 Med Ball Sit-ups 20/14#

75 Wall Balls 20/14#

75 Deadlifts 115/75#

Farmers Walk 125 meters with 2 plates 45/25#

*While your partner is doing Deadlifts, you will hang from the pull-up bar

*While your partner is doing Wall Balls, you will be in the bottom squat position

*While your partner is doing Med Ball Sit-ups, you will be holding a forearm plank

*While your partner is doing Double-unders, you will hold the medicine ball overhead


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