Great energy in the gym this week.
We welcomed our newest member, Laura, to the fold. She survived the first 2 foundational movements classes. She had her own spiritual experience taking the stairs after the squat class for sure, and although I haven’t confirmed it, I am pretty sure she set the female record for the intro WOD.
The wall climb workout turned out to be a beast. On about a 100 degree day to boot. While most people are hanging out in an air conditioned “gym” on a treadmill, we are in here actually getting results. Reminds me of my favorite quotes by Coach Glassman: “Performance is directly related to intensity. Intensity is directly related to discomfort”. Never be comfortable.
Hang Power cleans were rocked by all. Christine has definitely got into a stash of CrossFit pills. I think she is getting stronger by the second. Watch out. On a personal note I really appreciated the push from Reese and Tim during our trainers’ session. No way I hit that PR on my own guys.
Saturday’s WOD was interesting to say the least. Mary Ellen, AKA “The Silent Warrior”, dominated it, with only 2 put downs. I’m sure the Saturday morning shoppers at target were taken back ,to say the least, to see a group of people holding weights over the head while running on Castor Ave…Ha.
We’re looking forward to welcoming some new recruits this week. If you’re waiting to pull the trigger, just do it, and come get in on the fun. Motivation starts with action.
We are meeting up the Saturday night to send Tim off for the summer to Lebanon, at 7pm. Location TBA later today.