
Power Clean- 3,2,1,3,2,1


Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes:

75% 1RM Power Cleanx2
Bear Crawl 50 Yards

4 thoughts on “Wednesday”

  1. I made up the sdhp (135)/rotational jump/sprint/PU WOD:

    R1: 2:28
    R2: 3:16
    R3: 4:06
    R4: 4:44 = 20:34 total

    Ran out of time for round 5.
    Keep the Pain comin’!

  2. Power Clean- 105, 115, 125, 107.5, 117.5, 130(f)

    Had to make the metcon an AMRAP- 11 Rounds Total with 25yd bear crawls, except for the first round, 50yd.