CF Football WOD “Kalsu”
Every minute on the minute do 5 burpees then fill the remaining time with 135 pound thrusters. Goal is to hit 100 total thrusters and your score is how many minutes elapses in the process.
Robert James Kalsu (April 13, 1945 – July 21, 1970) was selected as an Oklahoma Sooner All-American Tackle in 1967. As an eighth-round draft pick of the Buffalo Bills in 1968, he started eight games at Guard and was voted the team’s top rookie in 1968. He began fulfilling his ROTC obligation with the US Army following the ’68 season and started his tour of duty in Vietnam in November of 1969, where he served with Battery C, 2nd Battalion, 11th Artillery, 101st Airborne Division. His MOS was 1193-Field Artillery Unit Commander. LT Kalsu was killed by mortar fire on July 21,1970 at Firebase Ripcord near the Ashau Valley.
Good luck on this one Bill! We know how brutal it is…
Rest day for me.
I ended up doing “Paul” Saturday evening it took me 26:43 and it was all about the K2Es
Also, update your training log. I like checking in on you…
Lastly, did you see the Regional events? Pretty disgusting.