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Rope Climbs, Handstand Push Ups, Barbell Rows, Trap Shrugs, Hollow Holds, Overhead KB Carry


1.) Rope Climbs:  Accumulate 10/8 Climbs, Rest 1-2:00.

4-5 Half Climbs

Advanced:  Legless rope climbs

2.) Handstand Push Ups:  4×5-6, Rest :60

Kipping, Strict, Deficit, AbMat Kipping

3a.)  Supinated Grip Barbell Rows 3×10, Rest :30

3b.)  Trap 3 Shrugs: 3×10.10.10, Rest :30

4.)  Hollow Hold: Reverse Tabata 8 x :10 work/:20 rest


Max distance in 5:00 of:

1 arm kettlebell overhead carry (53,35)

-using weaker arm

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