Shiffler House Menu 7/5-7/8

I plan on posting our family menus on Friday Evenings for the following week (Sunday-Saturday), but for now here is Thursday- Sunday to get us started. This will give a look at how to do this practically. We generally eat paleo at home already, but we are going to get with the 100% game this month.

Couple things

1. We tend to eat the same meals on repeat. We know what we like and time is tight so this works for us. There are thousands of paleo recipes out there if you want to get creative.
2. We usually eat leftovers from the previous night for lunch.
3. Plan ahead and invest in a cooler bag and plastic container. A fail to plan is a plan to fail.
4. Recipes will be posted in the comments.

Breakfast (#1)

3-5 egg Omlette w/ veges (pick whatever you like and put it in, we do spinach,tomatos,kale)
Meat (Generally some bacon, chicken sausage from Trader Joes or leftover meat from dinner)
Sweet potato
Piece of fruit


Turkey wraps in romaine with tomato and bacon (Recipe/instuctions below)
plaintain chips or fruit


Meatloaf (Recipe Below)
Brussels Sprouts (Recipe Below)
Sweet potato


Breakfast (#2)

Fritatta (Recipe below)
Sweet potato
Piece of fruit


Meatloaf,sweet potato, brussels sprouts leftovers.


Curry beef (Recipe Below)
Fried plantains


Breakfast- #1




Coconut Buffalo chicken (Recipe Below)
Kale roasted in the oven (Recipe below)
Fried Sweet potato in coconut oil (Instrsctions below)


Breakfast #2


Turkey on romaine w/bacon and tomato


Grilled Steak
Fried Plantains

12 thoughts on “Shiffler House Menu 7/5-7/8”

  1. Meatloaf

    1 diced red onion
    2 lbs of grass fed ground beef
    1 cup almond meal
    2 eggs
    2 diced tomatos
    1 tbsp crushed garlic
    1/2 tbsp sea salt
    2 tbsp dried basil
    1 tsp marjoram
    cracked black pepper to taste

    Mix all ingredients by hand in a large mixing bowl. Place meat mixture into a large glass baking pan and form into a loaf.  Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until meat is no longer pink in the middle.   

    Baked Brussel Sprouts

    1 lb Brussel Sprouts
    6 cooked and diced bacon strips
    1 tbsp dried dill weed
    olive oil to taste
    black pepper to taste

    Steam brussell sprouts for 4 minutes and quarter.  Mix with all other ingredients, spread evenly in a glass baking dish and bake at 350 for 30 minutes.  Stir once half way through cooking time.

  2. Turkey Wraps:

    Get the romaine lettuce that is not in the plastic bags. It is wider and better for making the wraps/sandwich.

    Put the turkey, bacon, tomato inside wrap that sucker up and eat. Add in some olive oil based mayo or mustard if you want.

  3. “Coconut Buffalo chicken”


    5 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken thighs (or tenderloins – 18-20 pieces)
    1 Can of Coconut milk
    1 Cup Hot Sauce (Frank’s Original Hot)
    3 to 4 tablespoons of dijon mustard
    Handful of peeled garlic
    Salt and pepper

    Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

    Spread the chicken thighs across an aluminum foil-lined baking sheet and cook in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

    While your chicken is in the oven, mix the coconut milk, hot sauce, dijon mustard, and garlic in a food processor or blender.

    After a few seconds of blending, transfer the sauce to a large skillet and simmer on low heat until the chicken thighs are cooked.

    Once the chicken thighs are fully cooked, transfer them into the pan with the sauce and toss around until all thighs are coated evenly with the hot sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Serve with celery or sliced avocado!

  4. Pre heat oven to 350


    Put olive oil or bacon fat in a pan on medium heat

    Throw in a gang of veges (we use 1 clove garlic, 1-2 tomatoes, spinach)
    4-6 strips of diced bacon
    1/2 onion

    After the veges cook a bit, stir in 6-8 already beaten eggs.

    Let it cook on the stovetop for about 7-10 minutes over medium low heat. Do not stir.

    Put in the oven for about 15-20 minutes (until cooked all the way though and top is firm to the touch.

    Take out and slice up.

  5. Adrienne Justice

    Does anyone who follows a Paleo diet drink alcohol? I don’t drink too much and I plan on not drinking for the 30 day challenge, but would like to drink (beer specifically) occasionally after. Let me know your thoughts. It will greatly affect the bbq 😉

    1. I usually have a cocktail and/or a glass of wine daily. I am limiting my alchohol consumption to 2 drinks a week during the challenge. Beer is probably out for the long haul though. Gluten is the main offender. Stick to liquor and wine. There are some gluten free beers, but they are still made from grains, and honestly just make me want a real beer.

      I know it sounds crazy, NO BEER?!?!?!? I used to be a big beer drinker, but don’t even think about it anymore. (2+ years paleo)

  6. Don and Rachel

    I didn’t see the instructions for the fried sweet potato in coconut oil…..did I miss it? Can you post the instructions? Thanks!

  7. Bake Sweet potatoes until nearly done. Then slice and fry in 1″ coconut oil until browned.

  8. Hey everyone, just to answer an emailed question. Yes this will act as our blog until our IT guy is back and sets up a real blog for us. Keep posting your questions and thoughts on this awesome challenge. For starters, I have never rolled a recipe before until yesterday when I made the most delicious meatloaf if I may say so myself. This is going to be quite an experience for me. Very proud of you all and keep the good work going.
    Please don’t forget to take your measurements and weight for those who want to track weight lose. Remember, muscle is heavier than fat! See you at the gym!