Strength Cycle

We are going to run a simple 6 week strength cycle, it being SSS (Summer Swole Season) and all. This one is from my friend Jim’s place CrossFit Havoc. They ran it with pretty nice results:

Monday: Back squat

Tuesday: Press

Wednesday: Regular programming

Thursday: Back squat

Friday: Deadlift

If you miss any days you are welcome to make them up on weekends or double up Squats and presses if it fits. The Program will be very basic. it will go like this:

6 wk Havoc Cycle    Week 1         Week 2          Week 3        Week 4          Week 5             Week 6

Monday Squat          80% x 5 x 3   80% x 5 x 4   80% x 5 x 5   85% x 5 x 3   85% x 5 x 4      85% x 5 x 5

Tuesday Press        80 % x 5 x 3  85% x 5 x 3   80% x 5 x 5   90% x 5 x 2   80% x 5 x 6+     New Max

Thursday Squat       80% x 5 x 5   85% x 5 x 4   90% x 5 x 3   95% x 5 x 2   100% x 5 x 1      New Max

Friday Deadlift          75% x 5 x 5   80% x 5 x 4   85% x 5 x 3   90% x 5 x 2   95% x 5 x 1       New Max

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