Friday- WOD for Warriors

In honor of Veteran’s Day, we are going to participate in the WOD for warriors:

Please go to the WOD for Warriors Site to check out the details.

The WOD:

11 Rounds:
11 Exercises
11 Reps each
to be executed in 2 person teams

1- Burpees
2- Tuck Jumps
3- HSPU – buddy holds feet
4- Ring dips
5- Sit-ups
6- Air Squats
7- Deadlift (135/95)
8- Pullups (any type)
9- Press (45/25 plates)
10- Jumping Lunges
11- 11 meter fireman’s carry

A two person team will have one member working at all times. #1 begins with burpees, once complete, #2 executes tuck jump, once complete, #1 executes HSPU while #2 holds feet, then #2 executes Ring Dips, and so forth. Since there an odd number of exercises, the second time through, #2 will start burpees, #1 will do tuck jumps, etc. The idea is a quick and even work-rest cycle, high intensity, giving it our all to honor our Veterans, and improving our ability to move more further faster!

I know this will be a tough one, especially with the programming so far this week. By us doing it though, it will help raise awareness for our veterans. So in short Man or Woman up.

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