In honor of Veteran’s Day, we are going to participate in the WOD for warriors:
Please go to the WOD for Warriors Site to check out the details.
The WOD:
11 Rounds:
11 Exercises
11 Reps each
to be executed in 2 person teams
1- Burpees
2- Tuck Jumps
3- HSPU – buddy holds feet
4- Ring dips
5- Sit-ups
6- Air Squats
7- Deadlift (135/95)
8- Pullups (any type)
9- Press (45/25 plates)
10- Jumping Lunges
11- 11 meter fireman’s carry
A two person team will have one member working at all times. #1 begins with burpees, once complete, #2 executes tuck jump, once complete, #1 executes HSPU while #2 holds feet, then #2 executes Ring Dips, and so forth. Since there an odd number of exercises, the second time through, #2 will start burpees, #1 will do tuck jumps, etc. The idea is a quick and even work-rest cycle, high intensity, giving it our all to honor our Veterans, and improving our ability to move more further faster!
I know this will be a tough one, especially with the programming so far this week. By us doing it though, it will help raise awareness for our veterans. So in short Man or Woman up.
Me and Matt Smith- 42:07. Fun Workout. Shady HSPU.
Chris and Joe(my brother)-49:??…good WOD
And bill I think those are referred to as Greek or the old 69 handstand pushups