TuesdayBy Jessica Thomas / May 28, 2012 Power Snatch- 1,1,1,1,1 Then OTM for 20 minutes: Power Snatch- 2 Reps @ 75% 1 RM 7 Burpees
jeff b May 29, 2012 at 5:55 pm 60kg snatch finished 20 rounds with 0:10 on the clock. 45kg snatches. Burpees suck.
Cassie May 29, 2012 at 6:11 pm Snatch – 65lb, 75lb, 80lb, 80lb, 80lb OTM with 60 lb, full 20 minutes (jeff b is making me WORK and i dig it!)
$&&$!!?//!&$$ Traffic!!
60kg snatch
finished 20 rounds with 0:10 on the clock. 45kg snatches. Burpees suck.
Snatch – 65lb, 75lb, 80lb, 80lb, 80lb
OTM with 60 lb, full 20 minutes (jeff b is making me WORK and i dig it!)
I think you picked an easy mark cassie I cant keep up
60, 70, 80, 85 (f), 82.5 (f)
Finished met con rxed with 60 k