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Results For Category: "Olympic Lifts"

WOD: Friday, February 4, 2022: Overhead Squats, Hang Snatches, Double Unders


Overhead Squats
3 x 6.
Rest 2:00


15:00 AMRAP:
3 UNBROKEN Hang Squat Snatch 
75 Double Unders

**Successful Rounds, increase load by 5-10#; Failed attempts must go back a load and repeat. 

WOD: Friday, January 28, 2022: Push Jerk, Rope Climbs, BB Rows


Keeping in mind what you think your weak points were last week, try to improve on those 1-2 points, and improve your movement, and potentially the weight on the bar as well. A few common mistakes are: lifting the heels off the ground while dipping, knees tracking forward instead of at an outward angle, leaning back, and dropping the elbows at ANY point from their set position.


Build to a heavy double in 6 sets working on technique and building weight as you see fit. Rest 90s – 2:00 between sets (heavier sets rest on the longer end)
– Improve from last week’s weight.

– Metcon:

Retesting this pulling focused benchmark that we performed for the first time on 7/22. Keep a flat back on the Barbell Rows, fight to maintain good posture


2 Rope Climbs
20 Barbell Rows (95, 65)
200 Meter Run
– Goal: Challenging pace. BB loading is intended to be light.
– Last tested 7/22



4 x 8 each. Rest 60s.

WOD: Friday, January 21, 2022: Push Jerk & Some Pulling work


Building to a heavy double today in the Push Jerk, Watch for: lifting the heels off the ground while dipping, knees tracking forward instead of at an angle, leaning back, and dropping the elbows at ANY point from their set position.


Build to a heavy double in 6 sets working on technique and building weight as you see fit.

Rest 90s – 2:00 between sets (heavier sets rest on the longer end)


New Benchmark Workout, you should have 60-90s of rest each interval, so scale accordingly. Stable core on the Renegade Rows, stay loose and relaxed on the Double Unders. Select a Pull-up scaling option based on improving skill (Band Assisted for Kipping), or based on improving strength


Every 3:00 x 5 sets
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 each Renegade Rows (50/35)
45 Double Unders
– Goal: Hard but sustainable efforts each round, unbroken reps. Score = time on last round

Rx+: (5/3 Bar Muscle-ups to start each round) (60/45)

Accessory Work


3 x 10 reps in each grip position – pronated, neutral, supinated

WOD: Monday, 12/27/2021: Power Clean & Front Squats


Besides the normal points of performance in the Power Clean today, let’s focus on two things –                                                                         1. Anything above parallel is “power” so start getting a little lower than you normally would as you approach 70%. This way you don’t get caught “starfishing” with your feet way out when it starts to get heavier, and you’re able to load up with more weight for the Front Squats       2. Do not death grip the bar. If your grip is slightly relaxed, you’ll actually be able to rotate your elbows through easier                                   and catch a better front rack position.

Power Clean + Front Squat
– Build to a heavy 1 + 2 over 5 sets. Rest 2:00 between heavy sets.

– Metcon:

Benchmark workout “Shirts and Skins”. The Barbell weight should be moderate, something you can complete sets of 3 with at a minimum. Focus on flashing your elbows all the way through in the Power Clean, actually receiving the weight of the bar on the shoulders, and continue pulling all the way until the bar contacts the shoulder. Remember, elbows up AND out, and heels down in the Front Squats will make this workout suck slightly less, which is a good thing!

30 Power Cleans (155/105)
10 Front Squats
30 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Front Squats

– Goal: Hard effort using a moderate weight for Cleans that people can complete at least sets of 3 with.
– Last tested: 5/17.         TIME CAP = 8:00



3 x 30s each. Rest 60s.
– try unweighted first, you’ll be surprised.

WOD: Thursday, 12/16/2021: Squat Snatch, Back Squat, Resistance Training.


Now that we dialed in our start position last week, let’s focus on the first and second pull of the Snatch. During the first pull, the knees pull back just enough to get out of the path of the bar, while the shoulders and hips raise at the same rate – the angle of the back shouldn’t change, and speed should be normal here. When the bar passes the knees in the second pull, then the chest starts to raise, we bring the hips and the bar together, and accelerate to full speed.

After our Snatch work we’ll move onto Cluster sets, build to a heavy set of 2.2.2 over 5 sets.


15 Minutes working on technique performing sets of 2. Rest 90s between sets. Goal is to go 5% heavier than last week.


Build to a heavy 2.2.2 ( each “.” represents a 15s rest where you re-rack the bar) cluster set in 5 sets. Rest 3:00 between heavy sets.

– Metcon:

Similar to last week, but adding another round and Heavy Swings before the bike. If you’re newer to resistance training, and unable to generate enough power on the Bike, then a better option will the L1 option. You’ll know you weren’t able to generate enough power if you don’t feel that you need the entire 90s break and then some.


20 Heavy Russian KBS
10s Air Bike Sprint
Rest 90s.
– Goal: HARD effort, sell your soul to the Bike. Final week of this Anaerobic work.

WOD: Monday, 12/13/2021: Squat Clean Thruster 1 rep max


Spend some time on front rack mobility so you can save some energy with an efficient rack position. It can also be beneficial to try a slightly wider grip, so that you can grip the barbell in the palm during the front rack. Do your best to shrug the bar off your shoulders and finish with the arms, you also shouldn’t drop the elbows at all during the lift.


Build to a 1RM. Rest 2:00
– Goal: 5# PR

– Last tested 8/9


Return of this super evil benchmark; “Driving Miss Gracie”. After completing 30 C&J you’ll use the remaining time on the 6-minute clock to rack up as many cals on the Bike/Row as possible. Assuming you finish with barbell around the 3 minute mark, Men should aim for 30+ cals, women for 24+. We last performed “Grace” on 3/1, so use the same weight for this benchmark, and shoot for a similar or slightly improved time.


In a 6:00 window:
30 Power Clean + Push Jerks (135/95)
Remaining time: Max Calories Air Bike/Rower 
– Goal: Let it all hang out today and go for it! Score = total calories.
– Last tested: 4/26



3 x 12-15. Rest 60s.
– no pause this week

WOD: Thursday, 12/9/2021: Squat Snatch, Back Squat & Selling Your Soul

Strength/Technique Work

Some technique work today with the Snatch. Make sure your start position is dialed in, weight in the mid-foot, knuckles down and arms slightly internally rotated. The shoulders should be slightly in front of the bar, and pulled away from the ears to tension the lats. Knees pushed out slightly and hips in between the level of the knee and the shoulder.

Then build to a heavy set of 5 in the Back Squat.

Squat Snatch: 15 Minutes working on technique performing sets of 2. Rest 90s between sets.

Back Squat: Build to a moderately heavy set of 5 over 3 sets.  2:00 Rest

Similar to last week, but adding 5 Up downs before the bike. If you’re newer to resistance training, and unable to generate enough power on the Bike, then a better option will the L1 option. Please see your coach if not sure.   You’ll know you weren’t able to generate enough power if you don’t feel that you need the entire 90s break and then some.

4 rounds, each for time:

5 Up-downs
15s Bike Sprint – max effort.
Rest 90s.-3:00
– Goal: HARD effort, sell your soul to the Bike.

L1: AMRAP 8:
5 Up downs
5 each DB Box Step-ups 

WOD: Push Jerk, Push Press, Burpee Pull ups

– Strength: Earlier this month we finished some speed work in an Overhead Barbell Complex, now it’s time to put that work to test and shoot for a #5 PR in the Push Jerk. Make sure to watch for common mistakes during the dip, lifting the heels, dropping the elbows, and dropping so fast that the bar separates from your shoulders.


Push Jerk: Build to a heavy 1 rep in 6-8 sets. Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.

– Goal: 5# PR
– Last tested 7/12

– Metcon: This a very tough workout that we’ve tested a few times (last tested 7/15).   Make sure to think about performing the push press in as few sets as possible to avoid having to clean the bar to the rack position. The weight should be challenging to complete sets of 10-12 throughout, but many of you should be able to go UB with this one.

Metcon: “The Surprise”

For time:
Push Press (135/95)
Burpee Pull-ups

– Goal: Hard effort.
*Last Tested 7/15

Rx+ Additional Training, Rest 8 minutes, then:

For time:
alt KB Snatch total (53/35)
Ring Dips – any style

Accessory Work:

Banded Pull Aparts:  2:00 AMReps
Goal: 100+

WOD Thursday, 11/4/2021: Oly Complex, Rope Climbs, Snatches, Box Jumps


Using last week’s work as a guide (10/28), look to improve your rack position and leg drive as we work with some lighter loads.  


5 x 1 + 1 + 1 using 80% of last weeks top load for all sets.

3 warm up sets to working weight

Rest 90s.


Keep your knuckles facing forward as long as possible on the DB Snatch, to ensure that we are using the hips as much as possible.

Jump, zip your jacket and whip the ceiling. These sets should be hard effort and done unbroken each round!


1 Legless Rope Climb (RX+ sub with 6/4 Ring Muscle Ups )
12 total Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)
15 Box Jumps w. step down (24/20)
Rest 60s

Accessory Work

Barbell Bicep Curls

3 x 8-10. Rest 60s.

Tuesday’s WOD: Power Clean 1 Rep Max and “The Chief”



Build to a 1RM in 8 sets. Rest 2:00
– Goal: 5# PR
– Last tested 4/5



3 Power Cleans (135, 95)
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
*Score = Lowest AMRAP score.
– Goal: Hard effort. There should be minimal rest on each round and cleans should be light. Last tested on 12/7


DB Plank Pull Through

3 x 8-10 each. Rest 60s.