The CrossFit Renaissance blog

From the mainsite archives…

06/03/09 Five rounds for time of: 135 pound Squat clean, 7 reps 15 Handstand push-ups

Today’s WOD courtesy of CrossFit Havoc

06/02/09 One of CrossFit Havoc’s WOD from last week. Enjoy. Max reps in one minute of these 6 movements: 135lb back squat 115 lb bench…

Rest Day- 06/01/09

06/01/09- Rest Day A quote from a very dedicated and accomplished man: “There are 168 hours in a week. I use 2 1/2 – 3…

The week in review

It was a good week here. Everyone has been training very hard and it shows. Matt and Bill you guys are kicking some major ass…


05/30/09 Deadlift- 3, 3, 2, 2, 1 We had Chris in yesterday to hit a grizzly PR of 225kgx2 on his single attempt in this…

Fran or Heavy Fran

Choose your adventure. Fran Thruster 95 lbs Pull-ups 21-15-9 reps, for time OR Heavy Fran 135lb Thruster 45 pound weighted pullup 15, 12, 9 reps…

Digging in the mainsite archives…

For time: Run 800 meters 45 lb One arm dumbbell snatches, alternating arms, 20 reps 45 lb Dumbbell squat cleans, 20 reps 100 Sit-ups 45…


5/27/09 The 300 workout 25 pull-ups 50 135 pound Deadlift 50 push-ups 50 24-inch box jumps 50 135 lb floor wipers 50 16kg clean and…


TGU 1,1,1 OHS 15, 10, 5

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